Monday, March 9, 2009

English Reflective Journal Week 4

9 March 2009

I read an online newspaper article. It was entitled as ‘bird’s can’t keep up with the climate change” tells us about the severe climate change that has been affecting the flora and fauna in certain environments.

"The habitats of wild bird species are shifting in response to global warming, but not fast enough to keep pace with rising temperatures. Researchers in France also found that the delicate balance of wildlife in different ecosystems is changing up to eight times faster than previously suspected, with potentially severe consequences for some species. If birds and the insects upon which they depend do not react in the same way, we are headed for an upheaval in the interaction between species".

"The fact that some birds have responded to climate change had already been noted in individual species". I think this is really tragic. If no action is taken, each and every unique species will be vanishing one by one. And I think this world is made up of these beautiful creatures and species, it brings colours to our lives. Just imagine living life without these beautiful and wondrous species.

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